What is IA-Cloud?
IA-Cloud is SaaS product that builds, automates and optimises Azure environments, with an AWS version in development.
It was developed by our partner Ultima, and it means we’ll be doing a little more on top of our existing cloud services.
To understand what’ll change, let’s take a look at each service in detail, and find where IA-Cloud slots in…
What we do already
We’re a next-gen managed service provider offering three main cloud services to our customers.
- Solution architecture
- Cloud migration and modernisation
- Cloud management and optimisation
How could we do more than that?
Well, in a sense, we’re not.
What we are doing is bolstering some of these services through our new IA-Cloud tool.
Solution architecture
We partner with some of the world’s biggest brands to design and build global, cutting edge architectures.
As a cloud-native provider, we work with serverless, microservices, IaC and other next-gen technologies to solve the unique challenges each client faces.
With IA-Cloud, we’ll be able to spin some new environments at the push of a button, making us even faster and more efficient.
Migration and modernisation
Modernisation is the complex process of refactoring or rearchitecting a solution into a more modern design.
This could mean refactoring a monolith application into a set of microservices, or exposing an application’s functionalities to make better use of cloud-native practices.
Migration, on the other hand, may simply mean moving workloads from on-prem to cloud or from one provider to another.
And here, IA-Cloud can be a great fit.
Depending on the type and number of workloads you’re running, we can use IA-Cloud to create whole new environments in as little as three hours.
And if you just want a back-up, or to extend your on-prem into the cloud, that’s no problem.
Cloud management and optimisation
We manage and optimise workloads for security, scalability, performance, cost, and more.
Whatever issue you face, our team of expert engineers can make the changes necessary to get your solution working the way you want.
IA-Cloud can expand this service by automating key aspects of cloud management and optimisation.
From back-ups and documentation to identifying orphaned resources, IA-Cloud provides enterprise level automation and optimisation of your workloads, at the press of a button.
How we can help
We’ve carried out Azure projects for national Irish rail company Translink, global manufacture Formica, and more.
We’ve worked to build cutting edge environments, optimise and refine architectures and support complex projects 24/7. And with IA-Cloud, we can take things even further.
Currently, IA-Cloud works with Azure environments. But an AWS version is well on the way.
To explore our full range of Azure and other cloud services, or to see how IA-Cloud could help you, just get in touch.