The client
Vue is the leading cinema chain in the UK, attracting 37 million film goers annually across 228 cinemas. An large percentage of Vue’s sales come from tickets pre-booked on their smart booking platform, with demand increasing each year.
Online bookings account for thousands of pounds every single minute. During peak periods, such as school holidays and the lead up to new releases, their booking platform accounts for almost 90% of remote bookings (the remaining few being made over the phone).
The challenge
Vue found that its Sitecore based website was suffering from slow loading time and downtime during periods of high transactional demand. The impact was felt financially: Vue lost thousands during outages as customers went to competing cinemas. Vue additionally risked losing customer confidence and brand loyalty.
A secondary problem was that content updates including film showings and screening times from local cinemas were not being reflected in the live site. Local cinema managers needed access to resolutions 24/7 to prevent delays, financial loss and impact to customer loyalty.
JAM assisted Vue’s digital agency to provide a resolution
- Using our in-depth Sitecore knowledge to help triage issues and identify the cause for downtime
- Provided a predictive and proactive monitoring solution to anticipate downtime and add in further server resources and team resources
- Provided a service to the individual cinemas for instantaneous response and resolution to content and data issues 24/7
- Improved Vue’s website up-time by over 5%, saving huge losses of revenue
- Greatly reduced issue response times down to an average of 6 minutes; Vue’s employee satisfaction improved as they had their issues dealt with swiftly and were able to continue uploading new content